美天美句227: 好好对自己一辈子没多长,好好对别人,下辈子不一定

美天美句227: 好好对自己一辈子没多长,好好对别人,下辈子不一定

2017-12-16    14'20''

主播: Mike老迈袭常英语

828 2

美天美句227|好好对自己,一辈子没多长;好好对别人,下辈子不一定能遇上 Be good to yourself - a lifetime isn't long. Be good to others - you might not meet them in the next life. 好好对自己,一辈子没多长;好好对别人,下辈子不一定能遇上。 I'll be happy and I don't care what people say. I'll just be real, I'll just be myself. Just me. Nothing more. 我要快乐,不管别人怎么说,我就是要做真实的自己。只做自己,不理会其他。 There's no one that can influence the way you live your life. Sometimes, we just need a bit more confidence to stick with our choices. 没有人可以左右你的人生,只是很多时候我们需要多一些勇气,去坚定自己的选择。 Trust dreams, trust your heart and trust your story. 相信梦想,相信你的心,相信自己的故事。 Never doubt yourself. 永远不要怀疑自己。 I need someone who understood me completely, even the dustiest corners of my mixed-up soul. 我需要一个人,能懂得我混乱的灵魂里最尘封的角落。 The only way to stay sane is to get a little crazy. 保持清醒的唯一方法是让自己疯一点。 Some day we will find what we are looking for. Or maybe we won't, maybe we will find something much greater than that. 总有一天我们会找到我们一直寻找的东西,也许找不到,但很可能我们能找到更好的。 Don't forget to love yourself. 别忘了爱自己。 总有一首歌,唱出你的故事; 总有一句话,让人泪流满面! 今天,有没有那么一句话让你感动? 期待你的留言!