

2015-12-21    08'14''

主播: 英语主播Yaya

631 30

简介: 请看如下例子: Jane, can you bring me the newspaper? Sorry? (↗) 在第一句中Jane 用升调说“sorry” ,意思是“Sorry ,I didn't hear what your said .Could you say it again ?" Jane, can you bring me the newspaper? Sorry. (↘) 在第二句中Jane 用降调说“sorry” ,意思是“Sorry ,I can't bring you the newspaper". 单词的升降调 come↗ come ↘ 来 book ↗ book ↘ 书 window ↗ window ↘ 窗户 forget ↗ forget ↘ 忘记 hospital ↗ hospital ↘ 医院 interesting ↗ interesting ↘ 有趣的