Old-fashioned Cupcake

Old-fashioned Cupcake

2022-10-01    24'26''

主播: Minchester

269 3

好久不见! 这期节目从轻松愉快的《经典杯子蛋糕》聊起,讨论了这个老套却动人的故事里的类型片元素。本来就准备讲这些,哪里想到这周经历了一种意义上的“塌房”,于是又加了后半段颇为心酸的……饭圈人间观察。 I talk about a Japanese late-night TV show called Old-fashioned Cupcake. It is a classic office romance. Despite the many familiar genre tropes, I was touched by the actors' selfless and powerful performances. I compare it with Cherry Magic and talk about how they approach themes like age anxiety. I question if 'real life' should be a parameter to judge artworks. Watching Old-fashioned Cupcake has reminded me of boys love stories' peculiar realationship with authenticity. Finally, I give an answer to why I/female audience are so obsessed with artworks of this genre. Music Ryu Matsuyama - Blue Blur 西村大介/DUNK - Singing Shadows; City Folk 爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/minchester