Reading Brontes with Special Guest Lassie

Reading Brontes with Special Guest Lassie

2020-10-18    67'10''

主播: Minchester

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这期节目,我与烂木头(Lassie)继续探讨勃朗特姐妹的话题,我们聊了聊三姐妹如何从卖出三册书并遭恶评的打击中振作起来,社恐夏洛蒂与社交达人盖斯凯尔夫人的友谊,“逾矩”的哥特小说之魅力,我在斯卡布罗的海边吃海螺失败的经历等等。 Hiya! In this episode, Lassie and I continued our topic of the Bronte sisters: this time, we focused on their life stories and their wonderful novels (and poetry). We also talked about other Bronte-related places one could visit. 05:33 Thackery had guessed the author of Jane Eyre must&`&ve been female. 07:30 What would the common readers&`& reception of Brontes&`& works be like? 09:23 Not all English local people know George Elliot was a woman. 16:40 Their poetry collection sold 3 copies, but that didn&`&t kill the dream of the Bell brothers aka Bronte sisters. 18:07 Publisher Newby claimed the Bells are the same person, saying Tenant&`&a author wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. 19:17 Emily refused to disclose her real identity to the publishers. 31:36 Virginia Woolf&`&s comment on the difference between JE and WH may shed light on the changing perception of the two novels. 33:55 Lassie once hid JE under her duvet. 39:35 Catherine was delightfully shocked by the scandalous plots in WH. 43:05 Chinese TV shows《梦幻花园》(Dream Garden) and《庭院深深》(A Very Deep Manor) played with familiar motifs of JE. 44:04 The timeless story of the Tenant of Wildfell Hall. 51:45 Catherine found it difficult to grasp the religious and historical context of the novels, but their life story was easily accessible. 56:19 Catherine was food poisoned in Scarborough when paying visit to the place where Anne Bronte passed away. 01:00:18 In The Poet&`&s Corner of Westminster Abbey, a plate was dedicated to the sisters. 01:03:14 Recommended Readings Music: John Williams, Jane Eyre (1970) OST - Jane Eyre Theme; Reunion.