Daily English015:人生第一次约会

Daily English015:人生第一次约会

2019-08-04    11'08''

主播: 海驴英语

175 1

Meet-up Encounter blind date hook up sb matchmaker set sb up It&`&s a fantastic meet-up. Accidental encounter doesn&`&t mean love. I don&`&t accept blind date. It&`&s ridiculous. Thanks for hooking me up. The matchmaker set up a blind date for me. I’m not seeing anybody at the moment. I‘d rather stay single than get set up for a blind date. I sometimes get lonely, especially at night. I like being single rather than being married. She&`&s really not my type. I don&`&t have the guts to ask her out. I don&`&t like him, but l won&`&t say no. You are aiming too high. You are too picky. Simon-- Are you seeing anyone? David-- No,I haven&`&t had a girlfriend. Simon-- May l introduce my friend Amy to you? David-- Really? How&`&s she like? Simon-- She‘s cute. David-- I think she&`&s not my type. I prefer sexy girl with slim body. Simon-- You are too picky.