

2016-11-02    01'42''

主播: 不不园在线

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(M代表妈妈,D代表爸爸,C代表孩子) C:I’ll play a few computer games. (我要玩一些电脑游戏) C:Can’t play it a little bit more? (我不可以再多玩一会儿吗?) M:Play after you do your homework. (先做完功课再玩) M:You have to do your homework after playing games. (玩完游戏后,你一定要做作业) C:I’ll play for just 1 hour. (我只玩一个小时) M:Click the left button on the mouse. (点一下鼠标的左键) M:You control with the direction pad. (你可以用方向键来控制) M:Can you turn down the speakers? (你可以把喇叭的音量调小吗?) M:Stop Playing now. (现在不要玩了) M:Your eyesight will get bad. (你的视力会变差) M:When did you start playing? (你什么时候开始玩的?) M:You’re grounded from playing games. (你被罚禁止玩游戏) M:You can’t play computer games today. (今天你不可以玩电脑游戏) M:Didn’t you promise not to play any games? (你不是答应不玩任何游戏了吗?) M:Let’s make it a rule to play only on weekends. (我们订个规定,只能在周末玩) C:I’m doing better than my friend. (我玩得比我朋友还好) C:I need to win this round. (我必需赢这一局) M:Playing too many games isn’t good for you. (玩太多游戏对你不好) M: We should beware of the electromagnetic waves from the computer. (我们应该小心从电脑中发射出的电磁波) C:Mom, this game isn’t fun. (妈妈,这个游戏不好玩) C:I can’t stop thinking about playing games. (我忍不住想玩游戏) 喜欢【不不园亲子口语】专辑的朋友,欢迎关注不不园微信公众帐号:mybookbook 践行亲子英语,不不园与您同行。
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