

2016-11-09    02'06''

主播: 不不园在线

335 14

(M代表妈妈,D代表爸爸,C代表孩子) M: Let’s play board games / cards / puzzles. (我们来玩棋/牌/拼图) M:Let’s divide teams. (我们来分组) C:We’re a team. (我们是同一组) M:Let’s decide by throwing the dice. (我们用掷骰子来分) M:I’ll be the black horse. You be the white horse. (我是黑棋,你是白棋) M:You need to obey the rules. (你一定要遵守规则) M:Let’s choose the punishments. (我们来选惩罚的方式) M:You need to go one more block. (你必须再移动一格) M:Please look and think. (看着,好好思考) M:You need to be punished because I won. (妈妈赢了,你要被处罚) C:Then what’s the reward? (那么,奖品是什么?) C:I’m going to win next time. (下次,我一定要赢) C:One more! Yay! I got the bonus. (再一次,耶! 我拿到积分了) C:You cheated! (你作弊!) C:Don’t peek at my cards. (不要偷看我的牌) C:One more round, please. (再来一局) M:I’m not going to let you win this time. (这次我不会让你赢的) M:Don’t be mad because you lost. (不可以因为你输了就发脾气) M:You can try hard and win next time. (下次你努力赢就好了) M:Quickly. I can’t wait all day. (快点,我没有办法等一整天) M:Don’t urge me, I’m thinking. (不要再催了,我在思考) M:It’s your turn now. (现在轮到你了) M:Let’s put these pieces together. (我们把这些拼图拼在一起吧) M:Start with this piece of the puzzle. (从这一块图开始) M:This could go here. / Looks like this fits here. (这个好像跟这里很合) M:Wow, you’re puzzle king! / You’re very good at solving puzzles. (哇你真的很会拼图) 喜欢【不不园亲子口语】专辑的朋友,欢迎关注不不园微信公众帐号:mybookbook 践行亲子英语,不不园与您同行。
上一期: 玩电脑游戏
下一期: 玩吹泡泡