

2016-11-16    01'33''

主播: 不不园在线

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(M代表妈妈,D代表爸爸,C代表孩子) M:Will you play with bubbles? (你要玩吹泡泡吗?) M:Lightly blow into the straw. (轻轻地吹吸管) M:Be careful not to spill the soap water. (小心不要把肥皂水溅出来) M:Don’t breathe in. (不要吸进去) M:Do not drink the soap water! (不可以喝肥皂水) M:Look at the small bubbles. (看这些小小的泡泡) M:Look! The bubble is a rainbow color. (看! 这泡泡有彩虹的颜色) M:Wow, it’s a huge bubble. (哇!好大的泡泡) M:Want to pop it with your finger? (你要用手指让泡泡爆开吗?) M:Let me blow it for you. (我来帮你吹) M:The two got stuck together. (有两个粘在一起了) M:Make it go up by flapping your hands. (用手把它扇上去) C:The bubble’s flying off high. (泡泡飞得好高) C:Mom, I want to blow it. (妈妈,我要吹) M:Wow! It’s on top of my baby’s head. (哇!泡泡在我宝贝的头上了) M:Catch this bubble. (抓住这个泡泡) M:Blow it inside the bathroom. (在浴室内吹) M:Want to blow it outside? (你要去外面吹吗?) M:Isn’t it fun? (不是很好玩吗?) M:You blow really well. (你吹得真好) M:The floor is slippery. Be careful! (地板很滑,小心!) 喜欢【不不园亲子口语】专辑的朋友,欢迎关注不不园微信公众帐号:mybookbook 践行亲子英语,不不园与您同行。
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