

2016-11-30    01'15''

主播: 不不园在线

267 1

(M代表妈妈,D代表爸爸,C代表孩子) M:How do you feel today? (你觉得今天如何?) C:I feel happy / fine / great / good. (我觉得很好) C:Hurray! Yey! (哇!太棒了!) C:I’m glad you praised me. / I’m glad you said good thing about me. (我好高兴你赞美我) C:I’m happy I did a good job on the test. (我好高兴我考试考得很好) C:I feel best when you hold me. (当你抱着我,我最开心了) M:Mom’s really happy when you eat a lot of my food. (当你吃很多我煮的菜时,妈妈真的很开心) M:Mommy’s glad that you’re happy. (看到你开心,妈妈也很开心) M:It is said that smiling spreads to other people. (据说,笑是可以传播给其它人的) M:A smiling face makes other people feel good. (笑容可以使其它人心情好) M:If you’re happy, you make other people happy. (如果你高兴的话,你就会使其它人高兴) M:You made my day, Honey! (宝贝,因为你,我今天过得很棒!) 喜欢【不不园亲子口语】专辑的朋友,欢迎关注不不园微信公众帐号:mybookbook 践行亲子英语,不不园与您同行。
上一期: “老师说”游戏
下一期: 期待的时候