前功尽弃 功亏一篑

前功尽弃 功亏一篑

2017-12-29    03'04''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

67 1

微信学习群免费开放1个月 每天一个口语话题并小对话 教大家地道口语; 发音培训:26个英文字母的自然拼读,美语发音的诀窍,教大家正宗美语发音 学习内容都是Yuki自己编写 老外把关 每天所学我会整理出文本以及音频 供大家课后复习 感兴趣可加微信Qamarq 咨询 31号统一建群 Back to square one 前功尽弃 If this doesn’t work,we`re back to square one. 如果这样不行,我们只好从头开始 Just the minute I almost finished my work, the computer crashed and everything went back to square one. 就在我快完成工作的时候,电脑死机了,一切都前功尽弃了 If the suggestion isn’t accepted, we`ll be back to square one. 如果建议得不到采纳,我们就得从头再来了 A: Hey, I hear that you proposed to your girlfriend last night. How was it? B: Oh, let`s drop it. A: What happened? B: We had a big fight before the dinner over some trifles. We broke up and everything just went back to square one.