

2017-12-27    02'34''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

109 0

免费微信小群口语学习招收学员 每天一个口语话题 教大家地道口语表达,穿插音标学习以及发音培训 课程内容均有文本和音频 便于大家复习 详情可加微信Qamarq 咨询 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草;终于使人不堪忍受的最后一件事情或者因素 the last straw that crushed the camel ( the final/last straw) Losing my job was bad enough, but being evicted from my house was the final straw. 丢了工作已经够糟糕了,但是被房东赶出门后我彻底崩溃了 She`s always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother. 她一直对我很粗鲁,但让我终于无法忍受的是她竟然开始辱骂我的母亲 I`ve had a terrible day, and this traffic is the final straw, I can`t take any more. 我这一天已经够倒霉了,这样堵车更是雪上加霜,我受不了了 Losing jobs at middle-age comes as a bolt from the blue. This should be one of his most scared things, and the last straw that crushed the camel. 失业对于中年男人来说,无疑是晴天霹雳,这应该是他最害怕的一件事情,也是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草
上一期: 晴天霹雳
下一期: 前功尽弃 功亏一篑