

2018-04-13    04'12''

主播: 时晴天时雨天

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I happily turn over my girl as your bride. 我欣喜地将女儿交付于你,做你的新娘。 It's easy to see all the love in your eyes and the attention to her it implies. I see you consistently doing the great thing. 你眼中饱含柔情,对她呵护备至,你始终待她很好。 I see the reaction in her that you bring. 我看到你为她带来的变化。 I see her in private singing your praises and the light in her face describing your days. 她私下对你赞赏不断,说着你们在一起的日子,脸上闪耀着光彩。 And in all the time since the two of you met, there has not been one word of sorrow, sadness or regret. 从你俩相遇开始,她从未有过一句痛苦、伤心或后悔的言语。 So I'm going to end with a few thoughts that I chose and suggestions for life that I gently propose: 在演讲的最后,我选取了一些自己的想法,对你们今后的生活略作建议: Live every day with your love as a guide; 让爱去指引每天的生活; Always give more than your groom or your bride; 付出比对方给予你的更多; Find in each other the funniest things, and share with each other when your heart sings. 发现彼此最有趣的地方,当你们开心的时候,要与彼此分享。 And no truer words have ever been penned, than the crux of your love is just being best friends. 两人相爱的关键,便是成为彼此最好的朋友,没有什么比这更明智的话了。 From this day on you are never alone; wherever you are, it is your spouse that's your home. 从今天起,你将不再孤单,有彼此的地方,就有家。 And when time has passed and the two of you age, and your lives are about to turn the last page, you’ll see not the wrinkles, nor the old, nor the grey – instead you’ll see yourselves as you are on this day. 当时光流逝,年岁渐长,人生来到最后一页,你们眼中的彼此不是满面皱纹、两鬓成霜的垂暮老人,却仍是今日新婚时的动人模样。 I hope that you’ll give life to my early reprise, and that you’ll say to each other from tired old eyes: 我希望那时,你们能重温我的忠告,看着彼此被岁月催老的双眼说: "There's no Romeo nor Juliet that ever was, is or will be, that could ever compare to what is you and me. “无论过去现在与未来,没有什么罗密欧与茱丽叶能媲美你和我。 I said it before and I'll say it times ten: Given the chance, I would do it again. 这句话我曾经说过,也愿意再说上10遍:再让我选择一次,我仍愿与你携手一生。 If some wondrous force took us back way back when, and the lives that we’ve lived started over again, I'd again find you and court you as husband or wife; you're the fabric, the purpose and my reason for life." 如有神力能将我们送回过去,让人生重新来过,我依然会从茫茫人海中找到你、追求你,与你结为夫妻,你是组成我生命的一切,是我人生的目标和意义。”