English Negotiation: Separate the ppl from the problem商务谈判之 人与事分开

English Negotiation: Separate the ppl from the problem商务谈判之 人与事分开

2016-03-19    23'38''

主播: Cloris C

739 29

没有找到这本书的文本,那就自己总结吧 I am having a really tough time getting through the negotiation on this contract 难熬的时光 a complete jerk 笨蛋,混蛋 be obtuse 迟钝的 it end up actually letting angry words fly 吵起来 we have problems agreeing about the contract's timeframe 时间框架 unreasonable 不合理的(ฅ>ω<*ฅ)reasonable encounter 遇到 emotional 情绪化的 get you down delivery time 交货时间 we have been over this time and time again we haven't seen eye to eye on all these issues Let's look and see what areas are workable There's really no room for negotiation here 在这问题上没有回旋的余地