

2017-08-02    02'00''

主播: Woosir 翻译官

123 9

8.2. Topic: What's the most inappropriate thing you have ever laughed at? Yesterday, I saw an entertainment news that a photographer was blamed for pressing the shutter when a blast of wind almost lifted a movie star's skirt. Luckly the movie star, Yangmi, beat the wind in time. And I laughted, but it's not the most inappropriate thing I have ever laughed at. The most one happened fifteen years ago, when I was in a senior school. At that time I was a shy boy with little words to girls. But there was a girl fascinating me day and night. And I paid my attention to her day and night. It was a summer, and after class, boys and girls went outside to have a fresh breath. And there came the same blast of wind which was addicted to lift girls' skirts. As I watched the fascinating girl day and night, I saw exactly what the wind had done to her white skirt that day. It lifted her skirt once, twice, and failed, and the girl didnt notice that. After a break, the wind gathered his strength and attacked her skirt suddenly. This time it made it. totally succeed. The girl cried, and I who was eviler than the above metioned photographer laughed. It's the most inappropriate thing i have ever laught at. I am sorry.
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