姚明名人堂演讲 展现姚氏幽默

姚明名人堂演讲 展现姚氏幽默

2016-09-14    14'36''

主播: 英语学习社

575 27

Mr. John Doleva, Hall of Fame Executive Committee, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. 尊敬的多利瓦先生,名人堂执行委员会、女士们、先生们、晚上好。 When I heard that I was speaking first tonight, I thought that someone made a mistake. The first speaker should be the great Allen Iverson. I need practice more than he does. 听到今晚将第一个登台演讲的消息时,我以为有人搞错了。大家别笑,我真的以为第一个上台的,应该是伟大的艾弗森。大家知道原因么?因为我比他更需要练习(调侃艾弗森不爱训练)。 First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me this great honor. Your recognition has made tonight a most memorable moment for me. Although perhaps my career ended too soon, for me I treasure each and every moment. I am grateful for my time on the court, and for your recognition tonight. 首先,我要感谢名人堂执行委员会。能够入选名人堂,对我而言真是莫大的荣誉。今晚注定将令我永生难忘。尽管我的职业生涯结束得太快,但在场上的每个瞬间都格外珍惜。我为我曾经屹立在球场之上,也为今晚大家的认可感到分外感激。 I would like to thank my sponsors. Bill Russell. I will never forget that you invited me to dinner at your house in Seattle when I was a young rookie[新秀]. That evening, and all of your advice since, really built up my confidence and made me feel comfortable in a new country. 我要感谢自己的推介人。比尔-拉塞尔,还记得新秀赛季时,你邀请我到西雅图的家中做客。衷心的建议,温暖的声音,让我这个菜鸟倍感放松,也让我在美国这个国度更加自如。 注: rookie:a person who is new to an organization or an activity 生手,新手 These rookie cops don't know anything yet. 这些新警察现在还什么都不懂呢。 Bill Walton. You supported me all the way. Thank you for your advice and encouragement. You were the first one who called me when I woke up from my foot surgery. You told me to stay positive. I will never forget that. 我要感谢比尔-沃顿。一直以来你都非常支持我。从最初到现在,你的忠告和鼓励让我受益良多。(我不想说从最初到结束,所以还是说“现在”吧。)还记得我第一次做手术,醒来之后,你是第一个打电话给我的人。你告诉我要保持心态积极。你的话让我永生难忘。 Dikembe Mutombo. I put you last because you are the oldest of the three. We played together for five years and had so many memories on and off the court. Nothing can break the bond between us — not even all those elbows you gave me in practice. 穆托姆博,之所以最后再感谢你,是因为你在三人里看起来最老(调侃穆大叔年龄秘密)。我们一起做了五年队友。无论是场上还是场下,都拥有许多美好的回忆。任何事情都阻断不了我俩的情谊——尽管训练中你给了我很多次“黑肘”。 As you know I am from China, and my journey began there. 众所周知,我来自中国,篮球之旅也从那里开始。 My parents were basketball players back in the 1970s. I heard so many great stories about them, about how they played and how good they were. More importantly, so many people know how good they are as people. I am very fortunate to be your son. The gift I had from you was not only height. It was much more. You taught me how to think, how to make decisions. And of course, my soft touch on the free throw line[罚球线]. Which is why I am happy to say I am entering the hall with a career 83% free throw percentage — just a little better than Shaq’s. 我的父母在上世纪70年代都是篮球运动员。从小我便听过很多他们打球的故事,更跟他们学着怎么做人。能够成为你们的儿子,我感到十分幸运。你们赐予我的礼物不只是过人的身高,更有缜密思考、正确决定的能力。当然,还有罚球线上的柔和手感。(这也是我比奥尼尔少练一万个罚球的原因(调侃奥尼尔罚球差)。) My wife Li. We met when we were high school age. You know how much you mean to me. Thank you for being my life partner. Our lovely daughter Amy is a treasure to both of us. We wish she could be here, but she is in her first week of school. And she has to live with the consequences[承受后果] of choosing soccer over basketball. 我的夫人叶莉,今晚也来到了现场。我和她从高中就认识了。你对我的意义溢于言表,谢谢你成为我生活中的伴侣。我俩可爱的女儿姚沁蕾是我们共同的财富。很希望她也能来现场,但今天是她开学第一周。另外,鉴于她体育课选择是足球而非篮球,所以一定要付出相应的“代价”。(我一定会解决这个“问题,让女儿选择篮球的。) My basketball journey began on the back of coach Li Zhangmin’s bicycle when he gave me a ride to my very first practice on the basketball court. I would like to congratulate you on a great career as you retire this year. So many kids have benefited from you and your work. 我的篮球生涯,始于李章明教练的自行车后座。那时,是你骑车带着我去球馆,开启人生第一堂训练课。我要向您长久而成功的职业生涯表示祝贺,您今年也即将退休。感谢您辛勤的工作、不懈的努力。正是这份努力,让包括我在内的太多孩子为之受益。 Coach Li Qiuping you were my coach at the Shanghai Sharks. You led us to the CBA championship, and never gave up on us, even when you lost your wife to cancer that year. Thank you for your dedication and your sacrifices to us. 我要感谢李秋平教练,我在上海大鲨鱼时的教练。是您带领我们拿到了队史第一个,也是唯一一个CBA冠军,之后我便远赴NBA打球。那些年您付出了太多、牺牲了太多,您的妻子也因癌症而不幸离世。感谢您对我们的支持,照顾。 I want to thank the city of Shanghai, the Shanghai Sharks and the CBA league for doing everything they could to prepare me. They raised me, trained me and helped me to be ready for the next challenges in my life. 我要感谢上海这座城市,上海大鲨鱼队,以及CBA联赛。感谢大家竭尽所能去培养我、训练我、帮助我,让我做好准备迎接人生中下一个挑战。 There is old saying in China that if the mirror is made of bronze, one can dress properly. If the mirror is history, one can predict ups and downs. If the mirror is people, one can reflect on one’s own weakness and strength. And now, I would like to mention a few mirrors in my life. 中国有句老话:以铜为鉴,可以正衣冠;以史为鉴,可以知兴替;以人为鉴,可以明得失。下面我想借此机会,与大家分享自己生命中的几位“明镜”。 I want to mention Mr. Mou Zouyun. He was a basketball legend. Over 80 years ago, Mr. Mou came here to Springfield to study basketball. He went back to China and dedicated his life to Chinese basketball. Today, the CBA Championship Cup is named after him. This cup is the life goal that every CBA player can dream of. 首先要提到的是牟作云先生,他是中国的篮球传奇。80多年前,牟先生只身来到斯普林菲尔德学习篮球,学成之后回到中国,将毕生精力都奉献给中国篮球。今天CBA的总冠军奖杯,便是以他的名字命名的。这座奖杯,也是每一个CBA球员毕生的梦想。 I am not the first Chinese man to play in the NBA. That honor belongs Wang Zhi Zhi. He was a pioneer for all future Chinese players who dream of coming to the NBA. He cleared the road for us and made so many sacrifices. I learned so much from him. Although he cannot be here today, I want to thank him. 我不是第一个登陆NBA的中国人,这份荣誉属于王治郅先生。对于所有梦想来NBA打球的中国球员来说,王治郅无疑是一位先驱。他为我们前方的道路扫清了障碍,做出了无数牺牲。从他身上我学到了太多太多。尽管王治郅今天无法到场,我还是想表达自己的谢意。 Many people know the story that began when the Rockets drafted me in 2002. Not many people know how much effort the Rockets put in before I arrived and throughout my career. Thank you to Les Alexander, Michael Goldberg, Carroll Dawson, Tad Brown, Daryl Morey and Keith Jones for making me feel at home in Houston. 很多人了解我,是从2002年被火箭队选中开始。但火箭队在我到来之前,以及整个职业生涯中付出的努力,却没有多少人知道。感谢老板亚历山大、戈尔伯格、总经理道森、CEO布朗、总经理莫雷和琼斯。是你们让我在休斯敦感受到家的温暖。 When I arrived in Houston on my first day, Steve Francis gave me a strong high five and a big hug to welcome me. Steve has been the perfect big brother to me ever since that day. Cuttino Mobley invited me to his home for something called “soul food.” I thought he meant salty food. Thank you to Steve, Cuttino and everyone on my early Rockets teams for making me feel so welcome. 第一天到达休斯敦时,弗朗西斯给了我一个大力击掌。并用力地抱了抱我,以示欢迎。从那天开始,弗朗西斯便一直扮演着老大哥的角色。还有莫布里,有次他邀请我到他家品尝“灵魂食物”(黑人传统菜式)。但恕我当时英语水平欠佳,听成了“齁人食物”(味道很咸),的确有些纳闷。感谢弗朗西斯、莫布里、以及早年火箭队的队友。你们让我有了家的感觉。 Rudy T. is famous for saying, “Never underestimate the heart of a champion.” Rudy has demonstrated this not only on the court, but off the court too, especially in his battle with cancer. Rudy, you have always inspired me to be the best that I can be. 还要提到的是教练汤姆贾诺维奇。他曾有句名言:永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。无论在场上还是场下,汤帅都在身体力行自己的名言。这在他与癌症的抗争中更是表现得淋漓尽致。汤姆贾诺维奇教练,是你一直鼓舞着我更上一层楼。 When Jeff Van Gundy arrived with Patrick Ewing and Tom Thibodeau, that coaching staff turned us into a tough defensive team, like he always does. With T-Mac, Shane Battier, Rafer Alston, we became a talented young team, especially with Dikembe. That team was not only competitive, but a team with a brotherhood. 当范甘迪教练与尤因,锡伯杜一同加入火箭时,这支教练组一如既往地把火箭队打造成了一支铁血防守之师。球队拥有麦蒂、巴蒂尔、阿尔斯通,朝气蓬勃,才华横溢。当然,尤其要提到的队友是穆托姆博。那支火箭队不仅竞争力十足,更拥有浓厚的兄弟情义。 I always remember Coach Van Gundy said once that, “The best chance also could be your last.” That is true in basketball and in life. 我一直都记得范甘迪教练曾经说过的话,“最好的机会,也可能是最后的机会”。无论是球场上还是人生里,这句话都正确无疑。 My last NBA coach was Rick Adelman. He helped us develop so many talented players like Carl Landry, Luis Scola and Aaron Brooks. We had a great run in 2008-2009, but unfortunately my injury cut things short and ended my time with the Rockets too soon. I will always remember my time spent with the Houston Rockets as some of the best times in my life. 我在NBA的最后一任教练是阿德尔曼。他为球队挖掘了兰德里,斯科拉以及布鲁克斯等天赋异禀的球员。球队在08-09赛季一路高歌,却因为我的伤病未能走得更远。与火箭队在一起的时光,永远是我这辈子最美好的回忆之一。 完整全文请关注微信公众号 :LearnAndRecord