A: Hey, Melissa, what do you think about Mike in our class? B: I think he's very active. He always seems happy. A: Yeah I think so, too. And you know what? He told me he likes horror movies films very much, because he can challenge his fears by watching the monsters and he doesn't feel terrified or scared at all. B: He's so brave. I don't like that kind of movies at all. They're too creepy. But not every student is like him. Look at Owen in my class. A: Oh, the one who is always depressed or morose? B: Yes he never smiled. I asked him what was wrong with him. He said he always felt worried about his study, because his parents and teachers have given him too much pressure. A: Well I guess our education has exerted negative impact to the students' emotions. You know education is not just about gaining knowledge, but about cultivating healthy talents, both physically and mentally. B: Yeah. What can we do about it?
上一期: 2018.12.21
下一期: 2018.12.23