Come on, Jack stop playing computer games. Game over, what's up, mom. I need to discuss about computer with you. Mom I just played for four hours. You don’t think it's a long time, the doctor say using computer a lot will do harm to your eyes. Well have you heard all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Yeah I know, but you put too much time on computer. However, nowadays computer is essential to everybody. Really? I disagree with you. I don't use a computer and I’m fine with it. I mean to us college students, see, we need to surf the Internet to search Information we need or read news or books. Then You'll never know the feeling of reading a real book, which is traditional way of reading. With the Development of technology, the old tradition will be outdated. Well, computer is helpful to us but it can't replace human beings. But it’s also So true that more and more people rely on computer to do everything for them. All right, I just want you to benefit from computers. I totally agree with you trust me I will get rid of playing computer games. okay. Good boy.
上一期: 2019.1.2
下一期: 2019.1.4