

2017-09-29    03'04''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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Meat on a stick: that’s something that people from every country love. I have been to more than 30 different countries and people in each place have their own way of calling this amazing dish. The word that I hear Chinese people use most is barbecue. Barbecue is not completely wrong. 但是任何烤的东西都可以叫barbecue。烤串呢,应该是kebabs. The word barbecue can also be used for an event while people barbecue. The team at Meisi will be having a barbecue tonight. 把肉串起来烤:每个国家的人都有这个爱好。我去过30多个国家每个地方都有自己的叫法。听到很多中国人说barbecue。这个不是完全错。但是任何烤的东西都可以叫barbecue。烤串呢,应该是kebab.barbecue这个字也可以指一个大家坐在一起烤东西吃的活动。美思团队今晚就会有个barbecue。 重点表达 lamb kebabs 羊肉串 微信朗读班内容 How many lamb kebabs can you eat? I can eat 20 by myself. 你可以吃几个羊肉串?我一个人可以吃20个。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中翻译:你的烤串要加辣椒吗? 明天揭晓答案 昨天我们的答案是:我们下下周去泰国吧。 Let's go to Thailand the week after the next. ​ 欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语