birthday suit可不是生日礼服!——Miss Chan

birthday suit可不是生日礼服!——Miss Chan

2017-01-09    03'04''

主播: GD狂粉

429 4

in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体 When I walked into the room, I saw the baby in her birthday suit. 当我走进房间时 发现宝宝一丝不挂 by the skin of one's teeth 侥幸 I passed this exam by the skin of my teeth. You know I didn't review too much. 这次考试能过纯属侥幸 你知道我一点都没有复习 have one too many 喝多了 I cannot drive today cuz I had one too many. 我喝太多酒 今天开不了车 birds of a feather 物以类聚 Josh and Peter are birds of a feather. They both have this weird taste for women. Josh和Peter真是臭味相投 俩人都有着对女人奇怪的审美