【News 100 |S20 Day 10】0306

【News 100 |S20 Day 10】0306

2024-03-06    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

249 1

Reference for 【News 100 |S20 Day 9】0305 College professors and their students often say they should be permitted to pursue knowledge without too many restrictions from the government. One organization that supports the idea of academic freedom is the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). The AAUP is a non-profit group based in Washington D.C. The World Health Organization says more than 1 billion people are now classed as "obese". 世界卫生组织表示,目前有超过10亿人被归类为“肥胖症”。 Analysis found the obesity rate in children had increased 4 times since 1990 while the rate in adults had doubled. 分析发现,自1990年以来,儿童肥胖率增加了4倍,而成年人的肥胖率翻了一番。 One in every eight people are now living with obesity according to this global study, which examined how rates of malnutrition both being overweight and underweight have changed since 1990. 根据这项全球研究,现在每八个人中就有一个患有肥胖症,该研究调查了自1990年以来超重和体重不足的营养不良率是如何变化的。