【News 100 |S20D58】Phase II D25-0423

【News 100 |S20D58】Phase II D25-0423

2024-04-25    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

140 1

慢速新闻口译33天第25天 那些支持在时尚界使用人工智能的人表示,虚拟模特使得公司可以向潜在买家展示他们的服装在不同身材和尺寸的人身上的样子。 制造服装的公司表示,使用人工智能可以阻止人们购买他们的产品,在家里试穿,然后如果他们不喜欢就退货。 English Version of Special English News Day 24 Alexsandrah is a fashion model in London. She has a twin. But her twin is not her sister. The twin is a product of Artificial Intelligence, or AI. Whenever Alexsandrah is not available to work with a photographer, the virtual twin takes her place. When a company chooses to use the AI Alexsandrah, the real-life version gets paid.