燃烧姐曰霉霉语录「Taylor Swift」

燃烧姐曰霉霉语录「Taylor Swift」

2017-01-11    04'26''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

577 10

1.Life isn't about how to survive the storm ,it's about learning to dance in the storm. 生活不是如何在暴风雨中生存,而是你能在雨中跳舞。 2.One thing I learned in this whole process is you can get everything you want in life without even feeling like you fit in. 我一路过来体会到的是,你可以拥有你想要的一切,甚至你都不用觉得自己不合群。 3.I try not refer to people who like my music as fans,because i try to refer to them all as my friends.I am gonna try to be a part of their lives just as much as they are being a part of mine. 比起把喜欢我歌曲的人称为歌迷,我更愿意把他们看成我的朋友,我愿意与他们分享一切,就如同他们愿意与我分享一切。 4.People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard.The stakes are high, the water's rough.But this love is ours. 人们会朝着发光发亮的东西扔小石子,他们会伤害我,但是他们夺不走那些属于我们的东西。生活会让爱看上去异常的艰难,风险是这样的高,水也是这样的汹涌。但是,爱,依旧是我们的。 燃烧姐在此谢谢朋友们的聆听!新年新气象!