5 Minutes English-20150709

5 Minutes English-20150709

2015-07-08    05'50''

主播: 今晨5分钟

246 24

Good morning, everyone, welcome to 5 minutes English I’m your host Daniel. Yao It is July 9th, today we are going to interview some people about transportation in their town. Naomi, Australia There's actually not very good transportation in my hometown because it's very quite rural. You definitely need your own car to get around. I have a car in my hometown to get me around because actually it's on top of a mountain so there's no trains and there's only an occasional bus which is very expensive to use. Ruth, England Good transportation? Not really because I'm from a small village but then if you actually go into the town itself, then things aren't too bad. There's quite a good bus system and you can get there easily on the train. We don't have a tram or anything like that but we don't need one. It's not very big any ways so we have enough transportation for all of our needs. transportation n. 交通 rural a. 农村,乡下的 definitely adv. 肯定的 occasional a. 偶尔的 get around 到处走走 tram n. 电车 need n. 需求 After listening to the 2 people from different countries, you must have a lot to say about transportation in your place. You can friend me on Wechat and tell me more about it. That’s all for 5 minutes English today, I’m Daniel Yao. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye!!!