听电影学英文6-Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone-Part2

听电影学英文6-Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone-Part2

2015-07-17    19'21''

主播: 今晨5分钟

535 24

Wizards and witches, fancy magic, wicked spells, magic schools, sports you’ve never heard of, magical creatures, giants, fearsome dark lord, a boy with a lightening scar on his forehead. Hello, everyone, welcome to 5 minutes English. I’m your host Daniel. Today we are going to talk about the 1st movie of Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and Socerer’s Stone. 今天是《哈利波特》特别节目时间 11 years ago, there was a prophet that a boy who would be born by the end of August will have the power to defeat Lord Voldemort, the cruel and merciless dark lord. People even dare not call his name, but say You-know-who instead. Voldemort searched for this boy for so long until one night he set his foot in James Lily Potters House, Harry was nothing but an infant. James and Lily sacrificed themselves to protect their only son, Harry Potter. That night, instead of killing little Harry, Voldemort lost his power and disappeared. Some people say Voldemort is dead, Some say he is injured. But his followers-the deatheaters always believe that the Dark Lord will return. Indeed, Voldemort was injured by when he was trying to kill young Harry. Because there was magic on little Harry, it saved him from Vodemort’s Killing Curse. And somehow injured voldemort. Voldemort was no longer able to put the magic world under his control. He not only lost his power, but his human body. In Harry Potter and the Socerer’s Stone, in the dark forest. The hooded figure was voldemort. He was drinking the unicorn’s blood to keep him alive. By the end of the movie, in a secret chamber. There was a great chance that sorcerer’s stone can help Voldemort get his body back. Voldemort who was possessing Professor Quirrel’s body, had his first conversation with Harry Potter in 11 years. Now you are going to hear a short audio clip about this conversation Harry Potter, we meet again. Voldemort. Yes, you see what I’ve become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another, a mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it can not give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something that, conveniently enough, lies in your pocket. Stop him. Don’t be a fool. Why suffer a horrific death, when you can join me and live? Never –休想 Bravery, your parents had it, too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back. All I ask is for something in return. That’s it, Harry. There is no good and evil, There is only power and those too weak to seek it. Together, we’ll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone. You liar. Kill him. Finally, it turned out Voldemort failed, he got nothing but had to run away. You may think Harry Potter is really great, he defeated Voldemort. Hang on, don’t forget his 2 best friends. Hermione who was well read and contributed her knowledge and ideas. Ron who would sacrifice himself playing the deadly wizard chess to get Harry through. Harry was never the greatest wizard, but with his right mind, persistence, sympathy, love, along with his best friends’ help. Finally made him a legend. But Harry knows maybe he could have gotten nowhere without his friends. My dear listeners, be friendly, be kind to one another, you will not only gain friendship. Thank you for your listening, I’m your host Daniel. I’ll see you next time. Bye.