看电影学英文4-I AM SAM

看电影学英文4-I AM SAM

2015-07-13    08'52''

主播: 今晨5分钟

170 26

Music on – Blackbird Hello, everyone, welcome to 5 minutes English, I’m host Daniel. I’m introducing you a movie named I AM SAM. Sam Dawson has the mental capacity(脑力) of a 7-year-old. He works at a Starbucks and is obsessed with(痴迷) the Beatles(甲壳虫乐队). He had a daughter with a homeless woman; she abandoned(抛弃) them as soon as they left the hospital. He named his daughter Lucy and raised her. But as she reached age 7 herself, Sam's limitations(限制) started to become a problem at school; she was intentionally(故意地) holding back to avoid looking smarter than him. There is a scene in the movie, Lucy’s teacher told Sam that Lucy might be afraid of learning. And they think Sam wouldn’t be able to tutor Lucy when she gets older. Sam was a little upset. Back at home, when Sam was reading with Lucy, Lucy pretended that she didn’t know the word “difficult”. Lucy is a small little girl and she cares about her father’s feelings. There was one line that touched me most. Lucy said to her father: “I won’t read if you can’t read.” The authorities took Lucy away because they thought Sam wouldn’t be able to educate his daughter and they arranged a foster family for her. In order to get Lucy back, Sam talked a lawyer into helping him for pro bono ,for free. He then worked even harder to earn money, and rented an apartment near the foster family. Lucy would sneak to him in the evening. Sam carried her back. It went on and on. The foster mother Randy thought it was impossible to separate Lucy from her father. One night, she carried the sleeping little girl back to him. The following conversation happened between Randy and Sam. Audio clip on.. 一位争夺监护权和抚养权的 智障老爸,晶莹剔透,懂事疼人的灵巧闺女,一心爱孩子,善良的收养人妈妈,尖酸刻薄,终为所动的厉害律师,Randy和Sam 都在等待明天法庭的裁决,最后Lucy是否回到了爸爸身边? Why don’t you see yourself. I highly recommend you to watch this film. A little reminder, you need a big box of tissue paper. Thanks for your listening. I’m your host Daniel. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye!