听电影学英文8-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-Part2

听电影学英文8-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-Part2

2015-07-18    25'19''

主播: 今晨5分钟

733 27

Hello, every one, welcome to 5 minutes English, I'm your host Daniel. Today we are going to talk about the second episode of Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. 大家好,今天我要聊的是哈利波特系列的第二集,《哈利波特与密室》 A note book, a diary Harry found in the washing room, the diary Harry began to talk to in writing. It was Tom Riddle’s diary, through which Tom Riddle showed Harry a piece of memory. The memory that was fake. In some of the movie scenes, when the whisper happens, Harry always sees the spiders leaving the castle. Under Hagrid’s instruction, Harry and Ron followed the spiders into the dark forest and met the giant spider Arago, they were told that the monster in the castle was the enemy of all spiders. With Hermione’s help, Harry was able to know that it was a snake that’s been hurting people. Until they reached the washing room and talked to the ghost, they knew the sink was the entrance of the chamber. Final in the chamber of Secret, seeing Jenny lying on the flood, ice cold, he tried to wake her up. But someone showed up. It was Tom Riddle. Now Let’s listen to part of their conversation. 126.22-127.55 128.16-128.50 伏地魔现身 128.53-129.11 福克斯送剑 130.17-130.32 啄瞎蛇怪双眼 Fawks’ tears cured Harry from the venom of the Basilisk. In case you haven’t noticed. Tom Riddle’s Diary conceals the memory of Voldemorts. It’s the object that contains part of his soul. In the latter episodes that are coming, you will know they are called Horcruxes. 魂器。 Don’t worry, we will have a special episode for that. Well, are you listening really carefully, like you are already enchanted with magic? Harry Potter keeps surprising you, you will never be failed. Trust me. A secret person is coming back, a mouse, a dog, a map with people moving on it. What’s in the next episode? Let’s wait and see. Thanks very much for listening. This is 5 minutes English, I’m your host Daniel. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.