Text Me 发短信给我

Text Me 发短信给我

2015-09-04    01'28''

主播: 今晨5分钟

323 19

A : Why didn't you text me last night? 昨晚你为什么不给我发信息? B : What? I sent you three or four messages! 什么?我给你发了三四条短信! A : I didn't get any of them. I was waiting for you to text me the address of where the party was and I never got your message. 我没有收到。我一直在等你发信息告诉我聚会的地址,但是始终没有收到你的信息。 B : Why didn't you just call? I hate sending SMS messages. 为什么你没有打电话给我?我不喜欢发短消息。 A : Well, because I didn't have any credit1 on my phone. I used it all up this month. 嗯,因为我电话没费了。这个月的电话费用完了。 B : I thought you had an unlimited2 SMS plan? 我以为你有无限的短信计划呢? A: I do, but if I don't have any credit in my phone, it won't let me call or send messages. 我有,但是如果我的手机没费了,我就不能发短信了。 B: No wonder you didn't get my texts! 难怪你没有短信我! 1. use it all 全部用完,用光 So we must use it all up or lose the time each day we do not spend well. 所以,我们要么就把时间 用光 ,要么就会丢失每天没有好好利用的时间。 2. no wonder 难怪,不足为奇 No wonder so many companies look outside the business for new chief executives3. 如此众多的公司从外部寻找新任首席执行官,这一点 不足为奇 。 3. text me=message me/send me a SMS 发信息给我