Lesson 27 - I went shopping

Lesson 27 - I went shopping

2017-08-28    01'35''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

83 1

课文原文: Tom: Sarah, what did you do today? Sarah: I went shopping. Tom: Did you buy anything? Sarah: Yes, I bought a few things. Tom: What did you buy? Sarah: I bought this coat. Do you like it? Tom: Yeah, I like it a lot. It's very pretty. Where did you buy it? Sarah: At the mall on 5th street. Tom: Was it expensive? Sarah: No, it wasn't expensive. It was on sale for 20 dollars. Tom: That's cheap. Sarah: I know. It was a really good deal. Tom: I don't think you'll need to wear it for a while. It's been really hot lately.