

2018-12-26    00'42''

主播: 歡笑綠茵居士

265 1

印尼語精聽-印尼駐華大使館網站發佈公眾日祝福海報。SELAMAT NATAL ppitiongkok 。~~SELAMAT HARI NATAL~~ . . Gloria in exelcis Deo! Damai di bumi, damai di hati.  Saat lonceng berdentang tanda hari Natal telah tiba. Saatnya berbagi hati dengan cinta dan kasih sayang, saatnya memberi dan menerima berkat. Saatnya kita berbahagia, karena penyelamat kita sudah lahir. Keluarga Besar PPI Tiongkok mengucapkan Selamat Natal 2018 Semoga semangat Natal memberimu kedamaian, kegembiraan Natal memberimu harapan, dan kehangatan Natal menyelimutimu dengan banyak berkat. . . PPI Tiongkok Kolaborasi-kontribusi-inspirasi Www.ppitiongkok.org 。. PPI Tiongkok kontribusi-inspired Collaboration-Www.ppitiongkok.org ~~ HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY ~~. . Gloria in exelcis Deo! Peace on earth, peace in the heart. When the bell chimes the sign of Christmas has arrived. It's time to share your heart with love and affection, it's time to give and receive blessings. It's time for us to be happy, because our savior was born. The Chinese PPI Family wishes Merry Christmas 2018 May the spirit of Christmas give you peace, the joy of Christmas gives you hope, and the warmth of Christmas covers you with many blessings. . . Collaboration-contribution-inspiring Chinese PPI