if i walk,would you run 我的靠近会让你却步吗 if i stop, would you run 我的止步会使你走进我的心吗 the world is catiching up to you 世界牵绊着你的脚步 while you 're running away to chase your dream 你却朝你梦想进发 it's time for us to make a move 是时候让我们走进一步 cause we 're asking another chance to chang 因为我们试着一步步改变 maybe i'm not ready 也许我还没准备好 but i try for your love 但我试着去得到你的心 i can hide up above 我可以假装满不在乎 i try for your love 我试着争取你的爱 we've being hide enough 因为我们互相隐瞒彼此的心已经太久了
上一期: i love you
下一期: sit still, look pretty