sit still, look pretty

sit still, look pretty

2016-10-23    03'27''

主播: Sherlovy

243 9

could wake up and make up 早上起来,细细打扮 pretending i need a boy 假装需要一个男友 who 's gonna treat me like a toy 而他将会像对待玩具一样待我 i don't wanna be a puppet 但我不想成为一个 that you're playing on a string 被你玩弄于手掌间的提线木偶 this queen don't need a king 这是个不需要国王的女皇 this guy right here gonna rule the world 我将统治整个世界 cause i'm gonna be,i don't wanna be 因为我将成为,我不愿成为 sit still, look pretty 静静地坐着,看起来很美的样子
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