Never be alone

Never be alone

2017-01-31    03'34''

主播: Sherlovy

531 41

小播有话说:爆竹声声辞旧岁,大街上充满了喜气洋洋的年味,但又有多少人无法回乡,回到自己所爱的人的身边呢?所以,本期这首歌送给那些仍远在他乡的朋友们,you'll never be alone你们永远不会孤独,因为那些关心与牵挂一直都在 Never Be Alone - Shawn Mendes I promise that one day I'll be around 我向你保证终有一天我会在你身旁 I'll keep you safe 护你躲过风雨 I'll keep you sound 护你一生平安 Right now it's pretty crazy 现在我感到疯狂 And I don't know how to stop or slow it down 而我却不知如何停下 Hey I know there are some things we need to talk about 我知道有些事我们该坐下来好好谈谈 And I can't stay 但我不能逗留 Just let me hold you for a little longer now 就让我再多抱你一会儿 Take a piece of my heart 把握的一片冰心拿走吧 And make it all your own 让它伴着你 So when we are apart 所以当我们分别时 You'll never be alone 你不再会感到孤单 You'll never be alone 你不在会感到孤独 You'll never be alone 让孤独止步 When you miss me close your eyes 当你想我时请闭上双眼 I may be far but never gone 我可能身在远方但从未离去 When you fall asleep tonight 当你入睡时 Just remember that we lay under the same stars 只要记住我们同在一片星空 Hey I know there are some things we need to talk about 我知道有些事我们该坐下来好好谈谈 And I can't stay 但我不能逗留 Just let me hold you for a little longer now 就让我再多抱你一会儿 Take a piece of my heart 把握的一片冰心拿走吧 And make it all your own 让它伴着你 So when we are apart 所以当我们分别时 You'll never be alone 你不再会感到孤单 You'll never be alone 你不在会感到孤独 You'll never be alone 让孤独止步 Take a piece of my heart 把握的一片冰心拿走吧 And make it all your own 让它伴着你 So when we are apart 所以当我们分别时 You'll never be alone 你不再会感到孤单 You'll never be alone 你不在会感到孤独 You'll never be alone 让孤独止步
上一期: Best mistake
下一期: Hit the ground