Hit the ground

Hit the ground

2017-01-31    03'48''

主播: Sherlovy

2177 27

小播有话说:作为新年首播,小播献上这首由贾宝(Justin·Beiber)演唱的超有正能量的歌曲hit the ground。 不得不说贾宝的回归带着成熟与反思,歌词中许多语句都与他自己如出一辙,比如 I've been so high I've been so low(我曾经历过辉煌也曾跌至谷底),希望贾宝在音乐的道路上越走越远,也希望各位听众朋友们能在新的一年里在自己的道路上坚定不移地走下去。 而作为小播来说,新年的愿望就是能为大家分享更多好歌,让更多朋友们欣赏到那些不曾被人关注的好歌。当然也希望大家的留言多一点,赞多一点,你的赞就是小播最大的动力\(≧▽≦)/ 本期topic:你的新年愿望是什么呢?欢迎大家踊跃留言 I close my eyes I take it slow 我闭上双眼,放慢呼吸 Lay on down and let me rest my soul 躺下来得以放松我疲惫的灵魂 I've been so high I've been so low 我曾经历过辉煌也曾跌至谷底 I'm just tryna find my way back home 我只想找到回家的路 Can't help but roam 无可奈何地四处流浪 My signal's gone 我早已麻木 Guess this journey's left me on my own 我只得孤自启程 I don't care why I'm alone alone alone 我不在乎我为何孤身一人 And if I could 如果我能 Forget about the way you love me 忘记你有多么爱我 Forget about the world we're set in stone 忘记这我们无法改变的世界 I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open now 我睁开双眼做着我的美梦 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 I never thought that I'd be broken 我从未想过我会被伤的支离破碎 I never thought I'd be this far from home 我从未想过我会坚持这么远 I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open now 我睁着双眼做着我的美梦 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 I close my eyes I take it slow 我闭上双眼,放慢呼吸 Lay on down and let me rest my soul 躺下来得以放松我疲惫的灵魂 I've been so high I've been so low 我曾经历过辉煌也曾跌至谷底 I'm just tryna find my way back home 我只想找到回家的路 Can't help but roam 无可奈何地四处流浪 My signal's gone 我早已麻木 Guess this journey's left me on my own 我只得孤自启程 I don't care why I'm alone alone alone 我不在乎我为何孤身一人 And if I could 如果我能 Forget about the way you love me 忘记你有多么爱我 Forget about the world we're set in stone 忘记这我们无法改变的世界 I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open now 我睁开双眼做着我的美梦 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 I never thought that I'd be broken 我从未想过我会被伤的支离破碎 I never thought I'd be this far from home 我从未想过我会坚持这么远 I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open now 我睁着双眼做着我的美梦 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 Take it one day at a time 一点一滴地积累 Reach for the stars now 为了梦想进发 Ooh just leave the past behind 把过往都忘掉 It's a part of living 这是生存的一部分 It's a part of living 这是生活的一部分 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 If only I could 如果我能 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 I could hit the ground right now 如果我现在能不顾一切蓄势待发 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 If I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 Then I'd be falling down 即使我会摔倒 If only I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 If I could hit the ground 如果我能不顾一切蓄势待发 Then I'd be touching down 那么我就能成功 If only I could hit the ground 如果我不顾一切蓄势待发
上一期: Never be alone
下一期: Lush life