

2021-02-05    94'44''

主播: Lizlynn

321 1

本期参考阅读 • Joanna Bourke, ‘Effeminacy, Ethnicity and the End of Trauma: The Sufferings of &`&Shell-Shocked&`& Men in Great Britain and Ireland, 1914-39, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 35, No. 1, Special Issue: Shell-Shock (Jan., 2000), pp. 57-69. The book: Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies, Britain, And the Great War (UCP, 1996) • Julia Grant, A "Real Boy" and Not a Sissy: Gender, Childhood, and Masculinity, 1890-1940, Journal of Social History, 37:4, (Summer, 2004), pp. 829851. • Ali Haggett, A History of Male Psychological Disorders in Britain, 1945-1980, (Palgrave, 2015), Chapter 3. • Elizabeth Siegel Watkins, ‘Medicine, Masculinity, and the Disappearance of Male Menopause in the 1950s’, Social History of Medicine Vol. 21, No. 2 pp. 329– 344. • Johnny Bell, ‘Putting Dad in the Picture: fatherhood in the popular women&`&s magazines of 1950s Australia’, Women&`&s History Review, 22:6, (2013), pp.904-929. • 黄道炫. “二八五团”下的心灵史—战时中共干部的婚恋管控,《近代史研究》2019年第1期.