【2015-12-14,一】ESL Podcast 1164 – Making Office Renovations

【2015-12-14,一】ESL Podcast 1164 – Making Office Renovations

2015-12-16    18'11''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

1131 234

Sometimes trying to make things better only makes them worse. Learn why in this episode. Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:34 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialog: 16:32 Alice: I can’t hear you over that hammering. When are these renovations going to be done? Dilbert: They’re already two weeks past the scheduled completion date and I can only guess at the cost overruns. Alice: It feels like they’re never going to finish. Dilbert: I know. When the renovations were announced, I was glad to hear that the office would be reconfigured for better use. Alice: Me, too. Dilbert: The upgrades sounded good – new lighting fixtures, flooring, and sound-deadening walls and ceilings. Alice: I was looking forward to an updated look with new built-ins. This old furniture shows lots of wear and tear. Dilbert: Yeah, now all I want is to be rid of all this dust. Who can work with this racket? Alice: Heh? What did you say? Did you say you can’t hack it? Me, neither! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse