【那些思念都融进我的眼睛里】A way to you again

【那些思念都融进我的眼睛里】A way to you again

2016-09-26    03'46''

主播: 泡面暖胃

147 8

I wandered the streets, 我在街道上漫无目的地游荡, With the legs of a free man, 这就是茕茕而立的人独有的姿态, No one to follow, 无人相随, No one to love or leave, 没有人爱所以也不会有离开, Faster and faster, 我疯狂地走着, 越来越快, From place to place, 从一个角落转换到另一个地方, All I could hear then, 在我的脑海里回响的, Was the sound of my feet, 只有我的脚步声, I make my way, 我选了一条路, I make my way without you, 我选的路,路上没有你, I make my way, 这是因我的决定而造就的世界, I make my way without you, 我决定的世界里面没有你, Over and over, 我在脑海里面重复一遍又一遍, I got lost in my head, 我深陷在我的意识里, And I found the way to you again, 但是我找到了能够通向你的世界的路, My blatant disguise, 我的面具, Is torn at the seams now, 现在被公然撕开, And thin is the thread, 思路如此清晰, Holdin' together these lies, 将所有的谎言串联成线, My face tells the story, 我的面部表情述说着一切, Line by line, 一句接着一句, And every moment I thought of you, 每当我想念你, Is written right there in my eyes, 那些思念都融在我的眼睛里, I make my way, 我选了一条路, I make my way without you, 我选的路, 路上没有你, I make my way, 这是因我的决定而造就的世界, I make my way without you, 我所决定的世界里面没有你, Over and over, 我在脑海里面重复一遍又一遍, I got lost in my head, 我深陷在我的意识里, And I found the way to you again, 然而我找到了能够通向你的世界的路, Over and over, 我在脑海里面重复一遍又一遍, I got lost in my head, 我深陷在我的意识里, And I found the way to you again, 然而我找到了能够通向你的世界的路, I found a way to you again, 我找到了可以找到你的方法。