【黯然销魂】All in vain

【黯然销魂】All in vain

2016-09-27    03'44''

主播: 泡面暖胃

148 14

I don't believe you when you, 当你说,你最爱我, Say you love me most, 我并不相信你, And when you tell me I'm the only one,当你说,我是你的唯一, And I can't feel you when you're, 当你我肌肤相融,却像是遥不可及,Touchin' me and tellin' me, 告诉我, That this time you want all of me, 这一次,你要的是我的全部, And you won't hear me when I'm, 当我告诉你,那是一切,又或什么都不算, Tellin' you it's all or nothin', 你都置若罔闻, All or nothin', baby please, 拜托,宝贝,那是一切,还是什么都不算, Let go of me, let go of me, 让我走吧,让我走吧, When you say you love me, baby, 宝贝,当你说你爱我, Let me see your face, 让我看着你的脸吧, And when you say you'll never leave me,当你说, 你绝不会弃我而去, Know it's all in vain, 我心知,这一切只是枉然, And these memories, they haunt me, 可无论我身处何方, Wherever I go oh o o o o, 这些回忆都魂牵梦绕, Tell me, baby, say it slowly, 宝贝,告诉我,一字一句地告诉我, All the things you never showed me, 那些你未向我提及的事情, Tell me one more time before I leave, 请在我离去之前,再告诉我一次吧, Now I see you hardly know me, 如今我看出你并不懂我, I learned your way, I learned so slowly, 我是学着你的方式,尽管进程迟缓, Take another shot, but you'll miss me, 你另寻新欢吧,但往后你仍会怀念我的, I don't believe you when you, 当你说,你最爱我, Tell me that you love me most, 我并不相信你, And when you tell me I'm the only one,当你说,我是你的唯一, And I can't feel you when you're, 当你我唇齿相依,却像是遥不可及,Kissin' me and tellin' me, 告诉我, That all my fears are in my head, 我的患得患失,只是我的庸人自扰, And you won't hear me when I, 当我告诉你,那是一切,又或什么都不算, Tell you that it's all or nothin', 你都置若罔闻, All or nothin', baby please, 拜托,宝贝,那是一切,还是什么都不算, Let go of me, 让我走吧, When you say you love me, baby, 宝贝,当你说你爱我, Let me see your face, 让我看着你的脸吧, And when you say you'll never leave me,当你说,你绝不会弃我而去, Know that it's all in vain, 我心知,这一切只是枉然, And these memories, they haunt me, 可无论我身处何方, Wherever I go, 这些回忆都魂牵梦绕, Oh o o o o, If you took the time to trust me instead,假使你能把这些时间都拿来相信我,Traditional oh I let it buried, 合乎寻常,我仍能将它自行掩埋, You could left with whole feeling then do, 你可带着所有感觉一走了之, 然后照旧生活, I can make you completely, 我可弥补你的缺憾, All the time they could in vain, 一直以来,那都可以只是枉然, Told me one more time before you go, 请在你离去之前,再告诉我一次吧, When you say you love me, baby, 宝贝,当你说你爱我, Let me see your face, 让我看着你的脸吧, And when you say you'll never leave me, 当你说,你绝不会弃我而去, Know it's all in vain, 我心知,这一切只是枉然, And these memories, they haunt me, 可无论我身处何方, Wherever I go oh o o o o, 这些回忆都魂牵梦绕。