

2017-02-22    08'13''

主播: Leopard美语说

201 9

炫耀,吹嘘,大话 1. Show off: Emma is showing off her engagement ring. 艾玛正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。 Jack shows off his new car to his friends。 杰克向他朋友炫耀新车。 2. Brag about: She always brags about all the famous people she's met. 她还老是拿她碰到的名人来吹牛 I don't want to brag, but a lot of ideas were mine. 不是我吹牛,但很多内容都是我构思出来的! 3. Boast about,Boast of: A wise man never boasts of his knowledge.聪明人从不自夸有学问。 4. Flaunt: He flaunts his wealth by driving around in a Rolls-Royce 5. Talk big: He always talks big. 他总是吹牛。 You always talk big and do nothing 你总是说大话而不做事。