第5阶 自然拼读 Seasick 阅读前可以做的准备: . 翻看故事的插画,包括封面,猜一猜故事的内容。 . 读一读第4页的单词,试着猜一猜字母(和组合)'ee','ea'和'y'的发音。 . 找一找藏在插图里的蓝色鸭舌帽,一共有几个呢? 读在前面的发音: . ee: see / cheese / feet / feel . ea: sea / beach / seat / cream . y: funny / jetty / jolly / sandy 阅读后可以做的练习: . 找一找故事里含有这两种双元音的单词:'ee', 'ea' . 试着用简单的英文单词或句子复述故事。 故事原文: . Gran had a hut, by the sea. . "It's my beach hut," said Gran. . "I call it Sandy Feet," she said. . Gran had six seats in the hut. (That's a seat each!) . They had a picnic. (Let's eat.) . "Cheese rolls," said Gran. "Then jelly and cream." . "What a picnic," said Biff. "It's a feast." (Heaps to eat.) . Gran had a boat at the jetty. . "I call it Jolly Jean," she said. (Get in.) . It was fun in Jolly Jean. (I see lots of seals.) . "I can see a seal," said Chip. . But then the sea was choppy. The boat went up and down. (I feel sick.) . "My tummy feels funny," said Wilma. . "Sorry," said Gran. "We had too much jelly and cream." . They went back to the beach hut. . "Beans on toast?" said Gran. (No, no, Gran.) 最后别忘了小朋友很喜欢重复阅读同样的故事,他们会认读地越来越快,也会越来越有自信哦!
上一期: Noisy Vehicles
下一期: Trapped! (L5)