第5阶 故事书 Trapped 阅读前的准备: . 翻看故事的插画,包括封面,和孩子一起猜猜故事的内容。 . 找一找藏在故事图片里的7把钥匙,和组成单词TRAPPED的字母。 读在前面的单词: . very / must / look(ed) / pulled / suddenly(爸爸妈妈可以通过演示,实物,图片等方式引导孩子理解意思,也可以试试Luna的上下文提示法,但是尽量不要说出单词的中文翻译) 跟着Luna读(或跟着爸爸/妈妈读): . 第一遍慢速逐词跟读。让小朋友用手指指着每一个单词,逐个读过去(必要的时候暂停录音,要求每个词读清楚)。 . 第二篇自然速朗读。让小朋友在听完Luna读一整句话之后,也重复朗读一整句话(必要的时候暂停录音,要求句子连贯)。 . 第三遍自然速跟读。让小朋友跟着Luna阅读的同时一起大声朗读(尽量不要暂停录音,要求注意句子节奏和自然的语音语调)。 阅读后的练习: . 找一找故事里的这些常用词: and / to / the / at / but / very / of / for . 试着用简单的英文单词或句子复述故事(要求尽量把单词连成句子,家长可以提示关键词)。 故事原文: . Gran took the children and Floppy to see an old castle. . The children went up the path to the castle. Suddenly, Chip stopped. . He pointed to a window at the top. "Look, there's a face," he said. . Everyone looked, but the face had gone. "It can't be a face," said Gran. "The castle is empty." . They went into the castle. "It looks very old," said Biff. "And very scary!" said Kipper. . "Let's play hide and seek," said Chip. The children ran in and out of the rooms. . "I'll play too," said Gran, and she went into the next room. . Gran looked for a place to hide. She saw a gate and pulled in open. . CLANG! The gate banged shut. Gran pushed it, but it was stuck. "Help! Help!" she shouted. . The children ran to see what had happened. "I'm trapped," said Gran. . The gate was very stiff. The children pulled and pulled. At last, it opened. . "I'll keep the gate open with this old chest," said Gran. "I don't want to be trapped again." . "Come on," said Kipper. "Let's see where these stairs go." They all went up the stairs. . Suddenly, they heard a noise. Woo...ooo! Woo...ooo! "What was that?" said Biff. . The noise came again. Woo...ooo! Woo...ooo! Floppy pulled at his lead and raced up the stairs. . "Come on! We must go after Floppy," said Chip. They all ran to the top of the stairs. . Floppy was scratching at a small door. Gran slowly turned the handle. . They saw a small dusty room. "Come on, Floppy," said Biff. "Let's have a look around." . Something went flapping across the room. "What's that?" said Biff. . Chip pointed. "It's an owl," he whispered. "It must be the face I saw at the window." . "Poor thing! It must have come down the chimney," said Gran. She picked it up very gently. . Gran took the owl over to the window and opened it. The owl blinked its big round eyes. . "Go on, owl," said Kipper. "Fly away!" The owl flapped its wings and flew up into the sky. . Kipper watched the owl fly away. "It must be horrible to be trapped," he said. "It is, Kipper," said Gran. "It is!" 最后别忘了小朋友很喜欢重复阅读同样的故事,他们会认读地越来越快,也会越来越有自信哦!