

2016-06-02    13'00''

主播: 以沫 132

1401 134

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on the Vampire Diaries... 一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地活着For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. 我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她I know the risk, but I have to know her. 你到底是什么What are you? 我是吸血鬼I'm a vampire. 你说过你不通过吸人血维持生存You said you don't kill to survive. 动物血能让我维持生存Animal blood keeps me alive 但没有达蒙那么强大But not as strong as Damon. -你好 弟弟 -达蒙- Hello, brother. - Damon. -斯特凡最终还是坦白了 -离我远点- Stefan finally fessed up. - Stay away from me. 项链里面装有一种叫马鞭草的草药That necklace contains an herb called vervain. 它能保护你不受控制It protects you from being compelled. 我会保守秘密 但是I will keep your secret, but... 我不能跟你在一起了 斯特凡I can't be with you, Stefan. -那是什么 -一块非常重要的水晶- What is that? - A very important crystal. 你是巫师还是灵媒Are you psychic or clairvoyant? 准确地说 外婆说我是一个女巫Technically gram says I'm a witch. 过去有段时间 这个镇的人There was a time when this town was 对于吸血鬼知道得太多Very much aware of vampires 五具被吸干了血的尸体Five bodies all drained off blood. 他们回来了They've come back. 你就是不想死 对吗You just don't wanna die, do you? -她在转化 -转化成什么- She's transitioning. - Into what? 吸血鬼A vampire. 我真不明白她怎么了I don't know what's wrong with her. -她会没事的 -不- She'll be fine. - No -一切都会好起来的 -薇姬- We'll all be fine. - Vicky 我会确保她不会伤害任何人I will make sure that she does not hurt anybody, 埃琳娜 我保证Elena. I promise you. -好的 晚些时候见 -再见 兄弟- All right, later, man. - See you, bro. 嗨 泰Hi, Ty 薇姬Vicky? 大家都在找你Everyone is looking for you. 我知道I know. -发生什么事了 薇 -我好冷- What's wrong, Vick? - I'm so cold. 你又嗑药了 大家都认为你嗑药过量死了You are on drugs. Everyone thinks you are off on a bender. 那倒好了I wish 在森林里发生了什么 薇姬What happened in the woods? Vicki? 为什么那些人都死了Those kids that were killed. 你看到什么了吗What did you see? 我好怕I'm so scared. 过来Come here. 没关系 我送你回家It's ok. I will take you home. -我无法控制 -控制什么- I can't control it. - Control what? 我好 饥饿 泰I am so...hungry, Ty. 而且饥饿感怎么也挥之不去And it won't go away 你到底吃了什么了What did you on? 你到底嗑了什么药了What drugs did you take? 我想要 我太饿了 泰I want it. I'm so hungrey, Ty. 听着 我去给你弄点东西来吃OK, look, I'll get you something to eat. 先靠在椅背上 我先送你回家Just sit back. Let's just get you home. 薇姬 你怎么了 薇姬Vicky, what is wrong with you? Vick! 放开我Let go of me. 到底是怎么回事 斯特凡What's going on here, Stefan? 她到底是怎么了What's wrong with her? -你没有资格说话 -去你妈的 小瘪三- You don't talk. - Screw you, dude. 小瘪三 是吗 小瘪三Dude, really? Dude... 达蒙 不要Damon, don't. 得了吧 他就算死了也没人会可惜Oh, come on. who's gonna miss this idiot? 你竟敢打他Don't you hurt him. 忘记你今晚所见到的一切Forget what you saw here tonight. 我们都不曾在此出现过None of us were here. -不好意思 -噢 没关系 我已经好了- Sorry. - Oh, no, it's cool. I'm done 你起这么早 是要去哪儿You are up early. Where are you going? 警察局 他们组织了Police station. They are organizing 寻找薇姬的搜寻队 所以A search party for Vicky, so... 等等 你不是应该去上学吗Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school? 你在跟我开玩笑 是吧You are kidding me, right? 你不应该逃课的You shouldn't skip school. 如果他们找到了她 我们会知道的If they find her, we will know. 大家不是都有手机吗That's what cellphones are for. 你唠叨个不停 我完全听不懂Your lips keep moving. I don't know why. 喂Yeah? 马特Matty? 薇姬 你在哪儿 你还好吧Vicky, where are you? Are you OK? 嗯 我很好Yeah, I'm OK. 告诉我你在哪儿 我来接你Tell me where you are. I'll come and get you. 不要 马特 我需要一些时间No, Matty. I just need some time 去想清楚一些事情To figure things out. 你只要知道我没事就行了 别担心我Just know that I'm OK. Please don't worry about me. 我不明白我为什么还得被困在这儿I don't understand why I have to stay cooped up here 我为什么不能回家Why can I just go home? 因为你正在转化 薇姬Because you are changing, Vicky. 如果我们不帮你 你会非常痛苦And it is not something you want to do alone. 关于我杀的那个罗根 报上一点消息也没有There is nothing about that Logan guy I killed in here. 一个字都没提Not a word. 有人掩饰了这件事Someone has covered it up. 那是什么What is that? 一个非常古老 非常特别的指南针It's a very special, very old compass. 罗根·费尔试图用它干什么事What was Logan Fell doing with it. 你就不好奇吗Aren't you curious? 如果你真这么担心有人要算计你Well, If you are so worried that somebody is onto you 你为什么不干脆离开这个镇 达蒙Why don't you just leave town, Damon? 我们都应该有所提防we should all be worried. 嘿 我饿了Hey, I'm hungrey. 你们有什么吃的吗Do you have anything to eat? 拿着Here. 这是什么What is it? 这就是你身体需要的东西It's what you are craving. 别对那女孩儿撒谎Don't lie to the girl. 这才不是你想要的东西呢So not what you are craving, 不过可以凑合凑合 对吧 斯特But it will do in a pinch. Right, Stef -这是什么 -对啊 这是什么- What is it? - Yeah, What is it? 是臭鼬 圣伯纳德狗 还是斑比鹿的血It's skunk, saint bernard, banbi? 来 尝一口Go on, give it a try. 她是新转化的 她需要的是人血She is new. She needs people blood. 她无法靠那东西维持生存的She can't sustain on that stuff. -是啊 为什么我不能吸人血 -就是- Yeah, why can't I have people blood? - Yeah. 因为吸食无辜的人的鲜血是罪恶的 薇姬Because it's wrong to pray on innocent people, Vicky. 你不必为了吸血而杀人You don't have to kill to feed. 你只要找个血液美味的人Just find someone really tasty, 吸完后消除他们的记忆就行了And then erase their memory afterwards. 很简单的So easy. 不 不 不No, no, no. 你无法保证到时会控制好自己There's no guarantee that you can control yourself, Ok? 那需要几年时间的学习It takes years to learn that. 你可能会轻易地夺走一条生命You could easily kill somebody, 然后你的余生都将背负着强烈的罪恶感And then you have to carry that with you for the rest of your life. 我必须提醒你 余生意味着永远啊Which, if I haven't made clear, is eternity. 别听他乱扯Don't listen to him 他和我们就不是一个世界的人He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line那是真实并且严肃的It's real, and it's serious. 在你运用巫术之前 必须要明白这些And you must understand before you practice. 你上课快迟到了吧Aren't you late for school? 你根本不应该相信罗根You never should have trusted that Logan -带着怀表消失了 -到底有多少吸血鬼- Weasel with that watch. - How many are we dealing with? 验尸官说是一个Well, that coroner thinks one. 依据是那脖子和下巴的伤口形状Something about the wound radius and the jaw pattern 我们有危险吗Are we in danger? 如果它找到表 并且知道我们知情了I mean if it found the watch and knows we know 它会来找麻烦吧And could it come after us? 我都不知道该称"它"And should I even be saying "it" 还是"他" 或是"她"Or he, or she 如果他们对镇上的历史有些许的了解If they have any historical knowledge of the town 就会知道表是从哪里来的了And they'll know where the watch come from. 所以 是的 我们处境非常危险So yes, we could very much be in danger. 那我们该怎么做So what do we do? 保密 千万不能弄得人尽皆知Just keep quiet, we can't have the entire town aware of this, 并在他找到我们之前找到他We need to find him before he finds us. 好啊 兄弟Hey, man. 听说大家正在满世界地找薇姬I heard they are putting together a search party for Vicki. 她刚才打电话来了 她没事She just called, she's OK. 那太好了Oh, good. It's great. 你肯定都快发疯了吧I figured you must've been going out of your mind. 是啊 差点就疯了A little bit, yeah. 我也正想帮忙I was just gonna offer 有什么我可以帮忙的吗Is there anything I can do? 我很感激I appreciate it.我帮你拿了服装 都在这里了I have got your costume. It's all here. -不是吧 -拜托- Seriously? - Come on 就不能兴奋地庆祝一下万圣节吗Can someone please be excited that it's Halloween 我只是想玩玩而已I just wanna have fun 只是一种愚蠢 无聊 没有达蒙的快乐You know, Just some silly, fluffy, Damon-free fun. 这不是你从达蒙那里拿的吗Isn't this the one you got from Damon? 对 或戴或扔随便你 我不管Yep. Wear or toss it. I don't care 我只是不想再看到它I just want it gone. 看见埃琳娜了吗Have you seen Elena? 你知道她要穿什么吗Do you know what she is wearing? 我整个周末都和外婆在一起 还没和她联系I was with grams all weekend. I haven't talked to her. 或许她和斯特凡在一起Maybe, she's with Stephen. 骑着白马到他的城堡去吗Riding to his castle on his white horse 别酸了 会长皱纹的Don't be bitter. It provokes wrinkles. 咖啡很好Coffee is our friend. 咖啡因能让我们血液循环加速It's the caffeine. It circulates through our veins 让身体暖和And warms our bodies. 这样别人碰到我们就不会觉得太冷So we are not so cold to the touch. 如果我想喝人血怎么办What if I wanna drink human blood? 你得学着习惯那种冲动You gotta have to learn to live with that urge. 每天和它斗争一次And fight it one a daily basis, one day a time. 天啊 简直跟戒瘾的步骤一样Oh, God. Don't start with that whole little twelve steps thing. 学校辅导员已经说得够多了 School Counselor has been down that road 那对我没用And it doesn't work for me. 有用的 全在于你自己的选择 薇姬It can work. It's your choice, Viki. 这么说你从未吸过人血So you've never tasted human blood. 很久没有了Not in a long time. 多久How long? 很多年Years and years. 我对过去的行为深感愧疚I'm not proud of my past behavior. 这抓狂的感觉就不能消停一会吗Oh, does this sketchy feeling ever go away 就像是那种超级难受的宿醉It's like I have a massive hangover 不能见光真他妈的烦透了This daylight thing is a bitch 我需要吸血I need more blood. 厕所在哪儿 我要小便Where's your bathroom? I have to pee. 为什么我想上厕所 我不是已经死了吗Why do I have to pee? I thought I was dead. 我出去一下 再给她多弄点回来I'm going to, Un-- I'm gonna get her some more. 好Right. 我很快回来I will be quick. 尿不出来 我身体感觉很古怪False alarm. My body's feeling really funky. 但还不错 虽然很奇怪It's a good funk, but it's wierd -你在给谁打电话 -杰里米- Who are you calling? - Jeremy薇姬 你不能再见杰里米了Viki, you can't see Jeremy any more 算了吧 你没资格管我Oh, come on. Don't you start. 我想见谁就见谁I'm gonna see whoever I wanna see 即使你可能会伤害他吗Even though you could hurt him? 我绝不会伤害他I would never hurt Jeremy 我知道你这么觉得I know you think that