

2016-10-16    11'07''

主播: 以沫 132

5503 216

那我现在该干什么So what do I do now? 等一会 我很快就到Just wait. I'll be there in a minute. 你能快点吗 我还有其他事要忙Can you hurry? I have things to do. 你可以把东西给我了You could give me that. 为什么要我去做So why did you need me to do this? 因为我会干扰信号Because I interfere with the signal. 我能走了吧Can I go now? 已经浪费我半天时间了This has blown, like, half of my day. 照我说的做You do that. 开车回家Get in your car. Go home. 忘记是我让你这样做的Forget I asked you to do this. -那好 再见 -再见- Ok. Bye now. - Bye. 我还有很多这样的木子弹I have tons of these wooden bullets 所以没什么好稀奇的So nothin' funky. 你不会想这样做的 相信我You don't wanna do this. Trust me. -这就是你的下场 -什么下场- That's what you get. - For what? 是你把我变成这样的You made me like this. 是我杀了你 但我没有把你变成吸血鬼I killed you. I didn't turn you. 我就知道你和你兄弟是吸血鬼See, I know what you and your brother are. 我一直在监视你们I've been watchin' the two of you. 我知道你会来这儿I knew you'd show up here 而且我很高兴你能来And I'm glad you did 因为我有一些问题要问你Cause I have some questions. 我先问 是谁把你变成吸血鬼的Me first. Who turned you? 我怎么会知道How should I know? 我只记得 我正要用木桩插你弟弟的时候Last thing I remember is I'm about to stake your brother, 你就抓住了我 就是这样And then you grabbed me. That's it. 直到我醒来发现自己Until I wake up in the ground 被埋在第高速路的二手车交易库后面Behind a used-car dealership on highway . 有人埋了我Somebody buried me. 这是常有的事It happens. -是你咬的我 -该死的- You bit me. - Damn it. 肯定是你把我变成这样It had to be you. 你死时体内必须有吸血鬼的血 才会转变You have to have vampire blood in your system when you die. 我没那样做I didn't do that. 别的吸血鬼找到你Some other vampire found you, 喂你喝他们的血Gave you their blood. -是谁 -我也想知道啊- Who? - That's what I wanna know. 伙计 变成吸血鬼 又没人开着礼车欢迎你Dude, it's not like the welcome wagon 拿着小蛋糕 再给你一本吸血鬼常识手册Was waiting with a bundt cake and a handbook. 什么都得靠我自己去摸索It's been a learn-as-you-go process. 他妈的 前一分钟You know, one minute, 我还是个小镇的新闻记者I'm a small-town on-the-rise news guy, 下一分钟 我进不了自己的房子And next thing I know, I can't get into my house, 因为我的脚迈不过门槛Because my foot won' go through the door. 必须有人邀请你进去才行You have to be invited in. 我知道 我一个人生活I know. I live alone. 哈哈哈 那太糟糕了Ah. heh heh. That sucks. 现在 我只能在华美达酒店看按次付费的节目So now I'm at the Ramada watchin' pay-per-view all day, 看见什么吃什么Eating everything in sight, -甚至得做家务 -也可能更糟的- Including housekeeping. -It could be worse. 我现在满脑子都是吸血和杀人All I can think about is blood and killing people. 我不停地杀人I can't stop killing people. 我不停地杀人I keep killing. Heh heh. 而且我很享受And I like it. -我很矛盾 -欢迎加入吸血鬼俱乐部- I'm conflicted. -Welcome to the club. 等一下Wait a minute. 警察只发现一具尸体Cops only found one body. 我留下一具 当时太累了I left one. I was tired. 其他的我都藏了起来But I've been hidin' the rest of the other bodies. -就放在那儿 -你是在开玩笑吧- They're right back there. - You're kidding. 都堆积成山了They're just pilin' up. 有什么线索So what do we know? 没有什么新的进展Nothing new to report yet. 我所有的属下都高度戒备My highly reliable deputies are all on alert, 但如果你觉得需要先发制敌But if you feel the need to be more proactive, 只要抓根木棍 时刻准备插入心脏By all means, grab a stake and have at it. 我们还能采取什么别的防御措施吗What extra precautions can we take? 就目前而言For right now 公共场合算是最安全的场所了there's nowhere safer than a crowded public place, 最重要的是 镇长 孩子们也都在我们的照看之下And for once, mayor, we actually know where our kids are. 你想干什么What do you want? 只是很奇怪你会在这儿Hey. uh, just surprised to see you here. 艺术通常反映文化Art usually implies culture, 而文化又反映.你不是这样的人And culture implies, well, not you. 去死吧Go to hell. [泰勒·洛克伍德] 还想成为宇航员吗Still wanna be an astronaut? 真不敢相信你还记得I can't believe you remember that. 我还记得你头上戴着锡纸I can remember the tinfoil that you wore on your head. 我那时才岁I was . 最近怎么样How are you doing? 好多了I've had it easier. 你呢You? 我听到一些传言Uh, I heard some things. 你和斯特凡真的结束.So it's true that you and Stefan. 是的Yeah, it is. 那你呢What about you. .马特·多诺万Matt Donovan? 我听说了卡罗琳的事I heard about Caroline. 天呐 你怎么也这样Aw, man, not you, too. 我们只是朋友We're friends. 其他的真没什么It's not a big deal. 是吗No? 真没什么No. 为什么我情绪变得很亢奋Why am I so overly emotional? 我脑子里想的全是我的前女友All I can think about is my ex-girlfriend. 我想和她在一起 咬她这类的事I wanna be with her and bite her and stuff. 也许是你爱上她了Well, you probably love her. 你以前的感觉现在都会被扩大Anything you felt before will be magnified now. 你得学会如何去控制它You're gonna have to learn how to control that. 那在白天出来活动呢What about walkin' in the sun? 我喜欢早起享受白天I'm a morning person. 你能在白天自由活动 说起来You can walk in the sun, which, by the way, 真是棒极了Is pretty cool. 理事会从来没怀疑过你Council'd never suspect you. 日记中从未提及此事It's not in the journals. 日记The journals? 是的 创始者们Yeah, the founding fathers, 把日记传给他们的后代They passed down journals to their kids. 说吧 伙计 你必须得告诉我Come on, man. You gotta tell me. 怎么能够在太阳底下活动How can you walk around in the sun? 谁转化了你Who turned you? 怎么能在太阳下活动How do you walk in the sun? 谁转化了你Who turned you? 到目前为止我对你都很客气You know, I've been really nice so far, 小心我杀了你But I will kill you. 那你也永远别想知道了Then you'll never know. 你还没回答我的问题You're not answering my question. 你先回答You first. 看来我们陷入僵局了 不是吗Seems we're at a bit of an impasse then, doesn't it? 我还有事要做 去杀人I have things to do, people to kill. 看来我必须先下手了Guess I'll be needing a little head start. 噢 见鬼Ahh. Damn it. 我猜你来不是为了I'm guessing you're not here to 规划未来的吧Plan the path for your future. 你是来保护我的You're looking out for me. 希望没有打扰到你Hope that's ok. 你知道吗 我以前想当个医生You know, I wanted to be a doctor 我是说在一切变故发生前Before everything happened, but, uh, 但我不能 因为Then I couldn't, cause. 血The blood. 是的Yeah. 不过我兴趣还是挺广泛的I've dabbled in a bunch of different things, though. 但没有什么事能喜欢到坚持下去Didn't love anything enough to stick to it? 不 我都很喜欢No, I--I loved it all. 我只是 我必须不停地迁移I just--I had to move on before 不让别人看出我不会变老Anybody could notice that I wasn't getting any older. 多久迁移一次How long before that would happen? 一般几年吧Few years, usually. 有时更短些Sometimes shorter. 你永远只能逃离And you always left. 我没得选I didn't have a choice. 不如 来说说你的规划吧So what about-- what about you? 你未来有什么打算What are your, uh, plans for the future? 我不想和你谈我的未来 斯特凡I don't wanna talk about my future, Stefan, 因为你所说的一切都完全表明Because everything you're saying is making it perfectly clear 我的未来中不会有你That you're not gonna be in it. 埃琳娜 不是我不想参与你的未来Elena, it's not that I don't wanna in it. 你别无选择 我明白的You can't, I get it. 我听你说两遍了I heard you the first me and the second time, 我很高兴你来保护我And I appreciate you looking out for me, 但是 如果你要离开 那就走吧But, please, if you're gonna leave, then just go. -挡住我 -怎么了- Hide me. - What's going on? 人渣费尔又出现了The scum Fell has landed. 罗根来了吗Logan's here? 等等 是罗根·费尔吗Wait. Logan fell? 斯特凡 发生什么事了Stefan, what's going on? 珍娜 你在躲我吗Jenna, are you dodging me? 算是一种自我保护吧It's a form of self-preservation. 埃琳娜 你和珍娜先走吧Um, Elena, why don't you and Jenna go somewhere else. 我们走Let's go. 你来这干什么What are you doin' here? 你和你哥问了我同样的问题You know, your brother asked me the same thing. 事实上 为什么我们不能In fact, why don't we 跳过"谁转化了我"这件事呢Just skip past all that "who turned me" stuff 先回答我的问题And get the answer that I want? 我怎么才能成为日行者How can I turn into a daywalker? 据我所知 只有达蒙和我有此能力Damon and I are the only that I know of. 你们兄弟俩如此死守不说But you're both very cagey on the how, 让我觉得一定是有方法可循的Which tells me that there is a way. 不知你注意到没有You know, in case you hadn't noticed 我在镇上可算个名人I'm quite the celebrity in this town. 要揭发你们实在是非常简单的It would be very, very easy for me to expose you. 你想知道怎么在太阳下活动You wanna know how you can walk around in the sun? 是的I do. 别做梦了You can't. 你敢再威胁我试试Don't ever threaten me again. 昨天罗根来我们家说了什么When Logan came to the house, what did he say? 假装恭维 蠢到家的假笑 小狗一样的眼神Fake flattery. Stupid, dimpled grin. Puppy dog eyes. 说真的 珍娜I'm serious, Jenna. 他做了什么 说了什么How did he act? What did he say? 就老样子啊 很迷人的样子He was the usual Logan, was charming, 比往常暴躁易怒Little more manic than usual. 他想说服我让他进门He kept trying to convince me to let him in. 怎么了What? 仔细听好了Ok, listen to me very carefully. 在任何情况下 都不要再跟他说话 Do not, under any circumstances, talk to him again. 我说真的 珍娜 永远不要I'm serious, Jenna, like, ever. 你好 埃琳娜Hey. Elena. -珍娜 -你好 萨尔茨曼老师- Jenna. - Hi, Mr. Saltzman. 我之前就想着今晚能再见到你呢Yeah, I was hopin' to, uh, see you tonight. 对啊 未来规划之夜怎能错过Career Night is the new bowling. 失陪了Ok. um, excuse me. 罗根·费尔变成了吸血鬼Logan Fell's a vampire, 我再看到他And when I find him again, 要把他大卸八块I am gonna destroy him limb by limb. 怎么了 你没事吧What happened? You ok? 不 怎么会没事 他偷袭我No. I'm not ok. I was ambushed. 开枪打我 我要报仇I was shot. Now I'm vengeful. 我得先找到他Just gotta find him. 没必要 他现在在学校Well, there's no need. He's here at the school. 开玩笑吧You're kidding me. 他怎么在那里Why the hell is he there? 他在人群中穿梭He's workin' the crowd. 我马上到Well, I'll be right there. 有什么事要跟我说说吗So anything you'd like to share? 你在干什么What are you doin'? 规划我的未来Following my future. 就是这个there it is