

2016-09-16    00'50''

主播: 启蒙英语

394 3

关注微信公众号@ 口语侠(ID:kouyuxia2015)查看更多干货! 好玩有趣有料,有外教,有英语大咖 口语侠app,让你成为能用英语交流的人,发现更大世界 ———————————————————————— It's okay to complain once in a while as a way to vent, but doing it too often makes youa magnet for negativity. Whenever you complain, you give your power away to the universe. For every second you spend complaining, that's one second you could have spent creating the life you want. Rather than lament, think about the actions you can take to improve your situation instead. Every time you do, that's one step toward the life you've been dreaming about.