【Read Beyond Ages 04】Classical Literature

【Read Beyond Ages 04】Classical Literature

2017-11-20    26'40''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

44 0

Host&Hostess: Attis&Vianion Editor:Brown Classical literature is the most lively treasure of Chinese literature in history,it was baptismed by time and accumulating the value concept of the Chinese nation, personal charisma and esthetic mind for thousands of years. With time flying,it has become the normative education and can never be replaced by any others ways in cultivation of national spirit and sentiment. 古典文学是我国文学史上最具有生命力的瑰宝,它历经岁月陶洗,千锤百炼,积淀了中华民族几千年来的价值观念,人格魅力和审美意识。千百年间,代代传诵,成为我们民族约定俗成的教科书。对情操的陶冶与民族精神的培育,都有其他任何手段所无法代替的作用。