【VOC MONTH 04】 Cultural Difference

【VOC MONTH 04】 Cultural Difference

2017-11-25    32'40''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

104 1

Hostes:Catherine Jacky Guests:Dave Wendy Eurus YangJuan DaoLiyan Paul Fiona Coral Zoey Editor:Zoey Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land. 异国他乡风情万种 Have you ever come across some misunderstandings of a same action? 你是否去过遥远的国外?或是来自其他的省份?巴蜀文化和留学生的习惯是否让你为之惊讶? That's the cultural difference! 异域风情总是让人惊奇 Come and share some cultural difference that you have met with us.Let's learn the charm of different cultures together.