别那么小家子气,好嘛?Lighten Up

别那么小家子气,好嘛?Lighten Up

2017-09-11    04'13''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

48 1

Lighten Up Lighten Up的意思是Telling someone to not be depressed, 在一定程度上lighten up≈cheer up.也可以用来tell someone not to be negative. 高兴点,放松点,别沮丧了,别那么严肃(都用于鼓励安慰他人) "Lighten up. Things could be worse." 别沮丧了,好在情况没有变得更糟。 "Lighten up . We can go to the movies another day." 别不开心啦!我们可以改天再去看电影。 "Lighten up . There will be another chance to play." 放松点,还会有机会的。 对话: A. "I'm so upset that we didn't go to the game yesterday." B. "Lighten up. We can go some other time." A. "I know, I just feel bad I had to work." B. "Like I said, it's ok. We can try again next week." 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧和口语表达。