Get foot in the door怎么理解?

Get foot in the door怎么理解?

2017-09-22    03'20''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

27 0

Get foot in the door 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧 Get foot in the door中,Foot是一只脚, door是门。要注意的是, get foot in the door说的是某人先把一只脚伸到门里。所以它的含义就是:先获得一个有利于将来发展的地位;也可以说,为进入某个行业或团体走出第一步。 get foot in the door你猜得出这个习惯用语是怎么来的吗?有人说,这个习惯用语跟推销员有关。在电脑和信息时代以前,美国公司常雇用推销员挨门挨户地兜售产品。住家的主人一般都不会请推销员进屋,所以他们首先要做到的就是把一只脚伸进门里,got his foot in the door,这样主人就不能关门了。 "It's not a great position, but at least my foot is in the door." 这个职位不算太好,但好歹我迈出了第一步。 "I need to find a way to get my foot in the door." 我需要找到一个方法来踏出第一步。 "I'm doing an internship for your company. It's an opportunity to get my foot in the door." 我正在你公司做实习生,对我来说这是入行的第一步。 A: "Did you find a job yet?" B: "No. I'm still looking." A: "Actually, it's hard to find a job at this moment." B: "Yeah. I'm even considering a lower position. At least I'll have my foot in the door."