

2017-10-12    03'35''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

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关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧 1. Actually, I'm feeling quite ill today. 实际上,今天我感觉很不舒服。 2. I feel under the weather. 我不舒服,生病了。 比如: He cannot come to the class today , because he is under the weather. 今天他不能来上课,因为他身体不舒服。 3. I don't feel quite myself. 今天感觉不在状态(不舒服)。 怎样具体描述你的不适症状呢? I think I'm coming down with the flu. I have a headache, a sore throat a runny nose and I'm feeling slightly feverish. coming down: 患上 a runny nose:流鼻涕 slightly feverish:轻微发热 如果,你是把这些话打电话告诉了你的老板,很有可能,他会甩出这么一句:I see... so you're calling in sick? 意思是:我明白,你是在打电话请病假对吗? Calling in sick : report that you will not go to work because you are sick. 这时,你的calling in sick即将达成,你可以回复他说: Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover. 是的,我正希望能休息一天来恢复身体。 切记此时一定要说话委婉,切实做个好演员 请假成功