

2017-10-16    03'03''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

41 1

sandard room: 标准间 king size bed:大床房 double room:双人间 presidential suite:总统套房 check in: 登记;入住 check out:付帐后离开 I'd like to check in please. 我要登记入住。 I'll be checking out on Tuesday. 我将在周二退房离店。 I have a reservation under the name Damon. 我以达蒙的名字预定了房间。 Do you have double rooms? 有双床房吗? Can I have a sandard room? 有标准间吗? Are you sure? Let me double check . 你确定吗?让我再核对下。 I'm sorry, sir, I don't have a reservation under that name. 对不起先生,在那个名下我们没有收到预定。 Complementary upgrade: when the hotel is overbooked and all of their standard rooms are full, they will give you a better room, a more expensive room, but free. We're pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade. 我们很高兴为您提供一个免费的升级总统套房吧。 complementary:免费的 we have a complementary glass of wine.