

2017-10-23    05'51''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

37 0

A: I'm hoping to finish it on time, but it's a little bit difficult for me. B: what happened? A: I need an assistant. B: I told you before. We just don't have the resources to hire you an assistant. A: I understand that. But the fact is that we are understaffed. B: The timing is not just right. You know, the economy is bad. A: l have an idea. What if we hire an intern? We would take some of the weight off our shoulders. B: Great. In this way we could keep our costs down. I'm hoping to......but... 我想(希望)....但是..... I'm hoping to help you to speak English like a native speaker,but you are too lazy. 我想帮你把英语说的像本国人一样地道,但是你太懒了。 I told you before. 我早就告诉过你了。 Why you are late again?I told you before. 你为什么又迟到了,我早就告诉过你了呀。 I understand that. But the fact is that... 我明白,但事实上... I understand that,but the fact is that it's beyond me. 我明白,但事实是我真的无能为力。 understaffed. stuff:东西,材料 staff:员工,职员 AirAsia staff:亚航机组人员 short staffed:缺人手,员工短缺 overstaffed :超编的,人浮于事的 The timing is not just right. 还不是时候。 I was gonna sell my house, but the timing is just not right. 我打算卖掉房子,但只是还没到时候。 A: Honey, I think we should have a baby. 亲爱的,我想是时候该要个孩子了吧? B: The timing is just not right. 现在还不是时候。 take weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担,如释重负 本文意思: “to help me with my work” “to take some of my work away from me”. keep our costs down 降低我们的成本/开销 We should find effective ways to keep our costs down. 我们应该找到有效的办法来节省开销。 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧